Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The third book!

I'm in the thick of it! The third book Ripper of the Riser Saga is well on its way and I'm really excited where it's going. This will complete the first trilogy of the series. I have an idea for another trilogy in the same world, but a different main character, which will be introduced in Ripper. I'm really delving into the messed up politics of the future I've created in this last book. From assassins that used to work with Turner, to Elisha coming back with full on Chelsan powers, this book will hopefully be even more action-packed than the first two.


  1. Hi Becca :D I know that there's no guarantee that you'll reply but I just finished reading a sample of your first book Riser on my kindle and I just wanted to say that so far it was pretty awesome! I decided to try it out because the concept was one of those things that I'd never heard of before, plus, it only costs $0.99. Now I feel like I shouldn't have even said that because I would SO buy it for the price of any other book after trying it out. It was just that good. I feel like I'm starting to ramble now so let me just to the main reason for why I'm commenting, haha. Since I pretty much fell for Riser after reading just a few chapters, and since I heard that you will be releasing a third book for this saga, I was just wondering if you could already estimate when it would be released? I'm sorry if I asked and you are still writing it, but I just want to know how long I have to wait before I can dive into this wonderful series. I tend to read books rather quickly so I just wanted to know how long I'd have to wait when I finish Reaper. Thanks! (: And sorry for the long comment. I'm still a little excited after reading that snippet of Riser, lol.
